Top 10k strings from Vectron (1985)(Firebird Software)[a].tzx
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TZX] /
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4 SSCCCCCCCC 3 SSBBBBBBBB 2 "%(+.1369<?ADGILNQSUXZ\^`bdfhjkmopqstuvxyzz{|}}~~~ 2 1985 Mike Follin L O A D I N G ...Please don't stop the tape! V E C T R O N Instructions- STAGE 1: You must destroy all four randomizers and tanx in the matrix. Pressing any of the keys B,N,M, SYMBOL SHIFT or SPACE will display ( or remove )an overhead view of the matrix. Use this facillity often to locate your opponents. Randomizers are represented by RED squares, tanx by MAGENTA, energy units by CYAN and yourself by WHITE.It is wise at first to attack from behind if possible; tanx may shoot at you if you approach head-on. Although their turrets swivel quickly, they are unable to line up their guns fast enough to hit you if you are moving in the same direction. Randomizers, too, are best destroyed by following them around the matrix until you achieve visual contact. Switch off map mode to activate your weapons system, and shoot for one side of the enemy. This will cause the randomizer to spin around rather than explode, and consecutive hits score extra points. Randomizers have more momentum than your cra 2 INFOLOAD 1 ~~~}}|{zzyxvutsqpomkjhfdb`^\ZXUSQNLIGDA?<9631.+(%" 1 uUUUUUUUU_ 1 don't copy it, buy itX 1 UUUUwUUUUUUUUUU_ 1 UUUUUUUUW@ 1 UUUUUUUUU_ 1 UUUUUUUUU] 1 UUUUUUUUUUwUUUU 1 SS11111111 1 SCORE)POWER)ZONE ) COUNTDOWN) 1 Press the key you wish to use ;@ LEFT :?@ RIGHT :?@ UP :?@ DOWN :?@ FIRE :?@thank-you!@ V E C T R O N @Design and coding by Mike Follin@1. Keyboard@2. Interface 2@3. Kempston@4. Cursor type@5. Start game@ @ 1 ODDDD||DDDD 1 ODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDGGG 1 O5876067890 1 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGEC 1 NNFNNNNFNNFFFFFFFFFFFFG 1 GOOGOOOEOOOEOFOOEOOGOGOOKkkC 1 GNNNGOODDD 1 GFFFFFFFFNFFNNONFNNFNFOG 1 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDOOIKCCCCCC 1 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDOOCkCCCC 1 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDGGCCCCCCCC 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 ;"Press any key to save last file" 1 ;" " 1 +"VECTRON" 1 "stop source tape & start object tape then press any key" 1 "start source tape" 1 "saving vectron BASIC" 1 "leave source tape running" 1 DESTROY ALL ENEMY CRAFT )PROCEED TO CENTRAL PORTAL) OBLITERATE ROM ROBOT ) LOCATE MATRIX EXIT PORT )ELIMINATE PURSUING FORCES)